Tannaz Khavari, Author at MyHelpBuddy

Profile of Tannaz Khavari

Tannaz Khavari #friendly #in_tme #persian
0 tasks completed Berlin
DrivingInterpretationLanguages - German nativeOthers languagesProofreadingTutoring

Helloo, Salaam 🙂

Are you from IRAN and live in Berlin?

Or are you German and you Need help for something? 

Than you are here Right, because I can help you in many things.

my Name is Tannaz and I am 18 years old.

I am from IRAN,Teheran and live in Germany, Berlin. 

My native language is Persian and I speak German too.

I can do a lot for you, for example: If you want to go somewhere and needs someone to translate for you in Persian and German, I can come with you and do it.

Or if you have children, who have to learn Persian, but you dont have any time for it, I can teach your child Persian. Or I can babysittng for you.

Or mybe you want to go somewhere and you cant do it, maybe because you are old to drive or what ever. I can drive you, never mind where, but in Berlin.

I can help you in many things,  if you have a question, you  can contact me everytime and ask me for everyting.

You can contact me here and we will chat about your problem or you can send me an Email.


I am Looking Forward to your message.

Thank You 🙂