India, China and Turkey sending most students to Germany
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India, China and Turkey in the top 3
of international students in Germany!

Study in Germany

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According to the reports by Study in Germany, the number of international students enrolled in German universities increased from 374,583 to 393,579 as of winter semester 2019. The top countries from which the students move to Germany are China, India, Turkey, Russia, Italy, Austria, Ukraine, Syria, Iran and France.
NRW – North Rhine Westphalia ranked first in hosting international students, followed by Bavaria. NRW is also the home of many large universities like RWTH Aachen, FH Aachen, University of Siegen, etc. Around 14 percent of the student population in Germany is international. 
The most attractive field is Engineering, with approx. 32 thousand international students, followed by Business and Social Sciences with approx 27 thousand interntational students. 

Why is Germany so attractive for the international students?

– No / almost no tuition fee in many universities
– Quality of living is better compared to other countries
– Cost of living compared to other countries like the US
– Tremendous opportunites for work after studies (although German language is very important)
– Uncomplicated stages of visa (Student Visa -> Work permit or Blue Card -> Permanent Residence -> Citizenship)
– Accessibility to European countries

Are you an international student in Germany or planning to start your studies in Germany?

If you are an international student in Germany, it is essential to know all the tips and tricks to find an accommodation, job search, life in Germany and so on. Hello Deustchland is an initiative where you can get free information on more than 100 topics for your life in Germany, including explainers, videos, forum and more. Check it out and get benefitted for FREE now!
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