Opinions from Indian Expat"s" living in Germany - Why going back to the home country "could" be an option

Opinions from Indian Expat"s" living in Germany
Why going back to the home country "could" be an option!

We have asked several Indian Expats living in Germany this question, 
“Would you consider going back to your home country an option? If so, Why?”
These are some of the opinions of the participants. The names of the participants are hidden, but the profession is included to get a better understanding of the context of their opinion. 


“Finding a kita (kindergarten) is not so easy in Germany compared to India. Many people do not know about this situation unless they are experiencing it. In my opinion, finding a kita is tougher than finding a job in Germany. 
Traditional roots and culture is important for parents raising their kid. Technology is present everywhere but tradition is enjoyed only in home country” 

(Working Professional)

“Although Germany has excellent healthcare, but the problem is one cannot get an appointment with a doctor easily. Even in case of emergencies, we have to wait for a long time just to meet a doctor. Getting an appointment for regular treatments is really not easy. I had an experience where I waited for 6 hrs just to see a doctor when I broke my hand while playing”


“Most Indians love to eat home made food. I can just imagine how bad I miss it in Germany. In India, I don’t have to worry about food at all, and especially missing the family and mom’s food is irreplaceable”

(Working Professional)

“People can say that we are getting paid well in Germany compared to India, but in reality, one must also consider that the taxes are high, rents are increasing and the savings are almost not so high compared to the expectations. I think, Salary difference between India and Germany is getting bridged rapidly”

“India is the biggest market, with 1.3 billion people. India is filled with opportunities and most importantly, creative people and innovative ideas. The adaptability of new technologies and lifestyle is high in India compared to Germany. So, India could be definitely the future”


“Most Indians live for and with the family. I think Germany has quality education and good job opportunities, but in my opinion, to settle after some years, India could be the option”


“In India, we have people, but not enough money. But in Germany, we might have enough money, but “people’ factor is missing. Especially, when I was pregnant, the only thing I can expect is people around me taking care of me and making me engaged. I felt a bit isolated here. Upbringing of kids is not so easy in Germany as we might have to hire nannies or someone to even play with the kid, but in India, the “family” factor is always there”
 So, whats your opinion of the topic? Leave your comments!
Note: These are direct opinions from the participants of the discussion and not to be considered as accurate facts, recommendations, suggestions or opinions from the organization. We hold no liability for the accuracy of the facts presented.

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