Payment Integration

Connect your Buddy account with Stripe

After registering as a Buddy, you have to create a stripe account to start accept payments from the platform. Stripe is the official and secure payment processing tool used by MyHelpBuddy to transfer payments after the task is completed. Follow these simple steps to connect your Buddy profile with Stripe



Go to My Profile section and scroll down to see 'Connect with Stripe' option

Fill the stripe form

Complete the stripe login form with necessary details

Two factor authentication

Verify your stripe account with your mobile number. A 6 digit code will be sent to you


After verifying your account will be complete and you will be redirected to the Profile page

Bid on the task

Now, you can successfully bid on the tasks. Once the customer task is completed and the user selects FINISH option, the money will be automatically sent to your account


To get the payout, login to stripe account and then complete the verification by uploading an official ID. Once verified the payout will be processed

If you have questions or issues while connecting your stripe account, feel free to send us a message through our live chat