455 Buddies available now
Freelance Translator since 2000 for Spanish and English, experienced, flexible, honest and friendly, that's all you need.
beglaubigen und bin auch als Dolmetscherin für beide Sprachen beeidigt.
Schreiben Sie mich gerne an, ich versuche, Ihr Sprachproblem zu lösen
I offer translations in the above indicated language combinations. I am a…
#italian #editing #proofreading #bureaucracyfanatic #experienced
I have been living in Berlin for the past 11 years. I have gone through a lot in terms of bureaucracy. I have assisted quite some expats as an interpreter in offices, at the doctor’s or at kitas.
I am Italian native speaker, I have studied linguistics and humanities. Writing, editing, and proofreading for Italian language belong to my best skills too.
#Translator #Linguist #Languages
I am a state certified and officially sworn translator for German, English and French, specializing in fields such as economics, finances, fashion and tourism.
As a sworn translator I also offer certified translations of official documents such as certificates.
certified translation English German Italian
If you are in need of a certified translation of official/legal documents such as driving licenses, certificates of good conduct, school or university leaving certificates, job references, CVs, certificates of marriage/birth/death etc. I will happily help you. Please just scan and email the document to be translated and I will offer you my best price and date for delivery.
Quick, reliable, professional
Hey, this is Dilip here. I’m living in Germany since 13yrs and have studied here and worked in German Automotive companies. So if you need someone to translate or help with your driving or CV, I’m your guy.
#translator #interpreter #duly appointed
I am a certified translator (EN/FR) and interpreter (EN) and I obtained my Master’s degree in Translation Studies at Cardiff University.
#translator #interpreter
Hi =) I’m Dorothy, a native English speaker living in Cologne. I work as a DE > EN translator and I’d be happy to help people accompany people to appointments – just not lawyers appointments! I can also help out with simple German correspondence such cancellation notices, complaints etc =)
honestly, helpful, fair
FIND A KITA SPOT & ADMINISTRATIVE ADVICE Advice and help for applications around the topic of birth – child – parenting I recommend to inform and prepare yourself before giving birth, since the main focus should be with your baby/family. So everything will arrive in time! I would be happy to advise and assist you in completing all applications you need. Whether
maternity money paternity and custody birth certificate child allowance parental leave and parental money Jobcenter/Hartz IV applications kita…Translator
Sworn Interpreter and Court-certified Translator as well as Proofreader, Copy Editor and Transcriptionist | German – English
#übersetzung #kroatisch #bosnisch
Translations into Croatian, Bosnian, English, German and Ukrainian.