Types of freelance/part time jobs in Germany

Types of freelance/part time jobs in Germany


Here are some types of part time jobs for students, freelancers, homemakers and to anyone who would like to earns some extra money in Germany.

1.Student research assistant

If you are a student of technical/applied sciences universities in Germany, you can apply for student research assistant jobs in companies or institutes of any university in the city. These jobs are pure tech oriented ones which boosts your CV and shows a specialization in your profile. If you would like to work at a tech company after studies, the most important aspect they look for is the experience in the domain. This experience could be of any type ranging from student jobs, internships or thesis.


2. Teaching assistant

This is a bit different from student research assistant because in this job, you will work under a professor helping him in his lectures/exercises, preparation and other academic activities.


3. Restaurants/Cafe/Food delivery and so on

These are regular part time opportunities available in every city which might require specific skills. Some jobs demand German language proficiency, some demand driving license and so on

4. Food/Product packaging

There are opportunities in industries like food packaging, gifts/product assembly, biscuits/chocolate packaging and so on. Depending on the city you live in, try exploring similar companies in the region. This could be a direct recruitment in the company or through an external company (personal/human force) known as Dienstleister. If you would like to get such opportunities you should find external companies which supply human labor to industries.

5. Newspaper distribution

One of the familiar type of part time work would be distribution of new papers/magazines in a region. This type of job might be also available exclusively on weekends.

Have you ever imagined that you could earn some extra money by offering support and helping newbies (newcomers)? The last one in the list is an interesting new opportunity to earn money

6. myhelpbuddy

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You can also post your requests in myhelpbuddy if you need some support from buddies in the platform.

Additionally, if you like to get tips and tricks for “Life in Germany”, sign up with myhelpbuddy and get interesting articles, tips, experiences from buddies and more..

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