February 2019 - MyHelpBuddy
February 26, 2019
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My bad Experience with a Landlord

ARTICLE My bad Experience with a Landlord When our team of MyHelpBuddy started surveying so called newbies (newcomers to Germany) regarding the issues faced in the room search process, we came across a shocking story from one working professional, who has recently moved to the largest city in Germany. ” I came to Germany to […]

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A Mistake while Driving in Germany that got me a Fine of 2ooo’Eu-ros

ARTICLE A Mistake while Driving in Germany that got me a Fine of 2ooo’Euros This article has been made anonymous on the request of the user. When the team of MyHelpBuddy were working on addressing the problems that International students face in Germany, we came across an experience shared by a student who had obtained […]

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5 toughest German Words to pronounce. Can you do it all right?

ARTICLE 5 toughest German Words to pronounce. Can you do it all right? Are you a newbie to Germany? German language is very important to integrate and immerse into the German culture. Let’s try out a new challenge. Can you pronounce these words right? The 5 most toughest German words to pronounce (shown in pictures)… […]

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Lessons from an Experience after I have been waiting for 6 hours in the Hospital to see the Doctor.

ARTICLE Lessons from an Experience after I have been waiting for 6 hours in the Hospital to see the Doctor. As a newbie in Germany, it is pretty difficult to understand the system and processes in the initial stages. When it comes to medical advice or booking an appointment, you might have to wait for […]

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5 cultural Shocks as a Newbie in Germany

ARTICLE 5 cultural Shocks as a Newbie in Germany   As a newcomer to any city or country, it is evident that one comes across various cultural shocks, particularly in a country with a different language. Here are some cultural shocks for a newbie in Germany. 3 P’s – Privacy, Punctuality and Planning   Germans […]

February 6, 2019
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Berlin Transportation strike on Friday – 15.02.2019

ARTICLE Berlin Transportation strike on Friday – 15.02.2019 Verdi has called a strike on 15.02. at BVG – Berlin Transportation which will affect busses, trams and the U-Bahn. The strike on Friday, 15.02.2019 will not affect S-Bahn transportation. The strike starts early in the morning (3.30 am) and might continue until 12 pm noon. The […]

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Understanding Bitte. Bitte? Bitte! Bitte schön in 30 seconds

ARTICLE Understanding Bitte. Bitte? Bitte! Bitte schön One of the most interesting word in the German language is “Bitte”. Did you know that the word or expression is used in many occassions and has different meanings? Let us make you an expert of the expression! BittePlease Bitte? Pardon? Bitte? May I help you Bitte.You are […]

February 4, 2019
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Tips to stay Healthy this Winter!

ARTICLE Tips to stay Healthy this Winter! Winter in Germany could be bad in some cities although many cities do not see much snowfall. Here are some tips to stay healthy during this season. 1.Breakfast Try to have a healthy breakfast everyday. A Bowl of hot Porridge is a good option during winter. Add fruits […]