May 2019 - MyHelpBuddy
May 28, 2019
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Paying Rundfunkbeitrag? Time to worry more, it’s gonna increase AGAIN!

INFO Paying Rundfunkbeitrag? Time to worry more, it’s gonna increase AGAIN! Facebook Instagram One of the most unclear taxes especially for expats is the Rundfunkbeitrag. Every household in Germany should pay a tax of 17,50€ a month for ARD and ZDF (broadcasters) under Runkfunkbeitrag.  Every expat might have noticed that they get a letter, mostly […]

May 23, 2019
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Life in Germany is great! But the digital life? The second worst in EU

INFO Life in Germany is great! But the digital life? Facebook Instagram The world is going digital (well almost many services have already gone digital!). Now you could open a bank account online, transfer money to any country within seconds, get your food delivered within minutes and many more. Coming from another country to Germany, […]

May 17, 2019
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Emergency numbers in Germany

GUIDE Emergency numbers in Germany Facebook Instagram If you are newcomer to Germany, it is very important to know the emergency numbers and keep it handy in case of any problems. The federal office for civil protection and disaster assistance has listed important emergency services for Germany here.  Some  primary emergency services in Germany are […]

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Calling 112 in case of emergency

GUIDE Calling 112 in case of emergency Facebook Instagram One must call 112, only in case of serious emergencies or if someone’s life is at risk. Once you call 122, you will be answered by a control officer. Depending on the situation, you might be directed to the fire brigade or the medical service. The […]

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Guide to find accommodation in Frankfurt

GUIDE Guide to find accommodation in Frankfurt Facebook Instagram This article collects the experiences of our Buddies who have found some tips and tricks to find accommodation in Germany quickly and could serve as a newcomer guide for all those who are new to Germany!   If you are a newcomer to Frankfurt, the first […]

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Guide to find accommodation in Munich

GUIDE Guide to find accommodation in Munich Facebook Instagram This article collects the experiences of our Buddies who have found some tips and tricks to find accommodation in Germany quickly and could serve as a newcomer guide for all those who are new to Germany!   If you are a newcomer to Munich, the first […]

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Guide to find accommodation in Berlin

GUIDE Guide to find accommodation in Berlin Facebook Instagram This article collects the experiences of our Buddies who have found some tips and tricks to find accommodation in Germany quickly and could serve as a newcomer guide for all those who are new to Germany! If you are a newcomer to Berlin, the first and […]

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How to apply for student visa to Germany?

info Applying for German student visa Facebook Instagram More than 375.000 students come to Germany every year to start their studies. In order to pursue your studies in Germany, you need a student visa obtained from the consulate of the home country (with the exception for some countries). The student visa you get from the […]

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How to apply and get a job seeker visa for Germany

info How to apply and get a job seeker visa for Germany Facebook Instagram What is a German job seeker visa? Job seeker visa, known as “Temporary residence permit for qualified skilled workers seeking employment” is issued to people who wish to come to Germany to search for an employment opportunity. Germany is lacking skilled […]

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Applying for a freelancer visa in Germany / Residence permit for the purpose of self employment

info Applying for a freelancer visa in Germany / Residence permit for the purpose of self employment Facebook Instagram What is a freelancer visa for Germany? Freelancer visa, known as Aufenthaltserlaubnis für selbständige Tätigkeit allows anyone to be self employed in Germany (termed as Freelancer). One must clearly understand how freelancing and its taxed works […]