July 2019 - MyHelpBuddy
July 30, 2019
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Guide to find a temporary accommodation in Germany

Why getting a temporary accommodation is a good option when moving to Germany? Facebook Instagram In the previous article, we have covered how to search for apartments in Germany online. In this article, we will explain why you should know the importance of booking a temporary accommodation when moving to Germany for the first time and […]

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DAAD Scholarships for students and researchers in Germany

INFO DAAD Scholarships for students and researchers in Germany Facebook Instagram DAAD, The German Academic Exchange Service is the largest organization for academic collaboration in Germany. DAAD lists all universities and courses, collaboration options abroad and most importantly, it provides scholarships for students and researchers in Germany. These scholarships are fully funded and are also available for […]

July 27, 2019
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“Unconventional” approach to find a job in Germany

GUIDES “Unconventional” approach to find a full time job/internship a Germany Facebook Instagram If you are comig to Germany as an Expat, job seeker or international student, it is very essential to know the tips and tricks to find a job or internship quickly. In this article, we are not going to explain to you the […]

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How to apply for a bank loan in Germany

GUIDES APPLYING FOR A BANK LOAN IN GERMANY Facebook Instagram If you are an expat living in Germany, you might have wondered about the procedure of how to get a (fast) bank loan in Germany. Whether it is the same as in the home country or completely different as an Expat in Germany. In this […]

July 25, 2019
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Compare German bank accounts in English

Compare different bank accounts now As an Expat, it is essential to open a bank account in order to study or work in Germany. In case of students, you might have to opt for a blocked bank account when you arrive, in which the money is blocked for one year and released monthly. After your […]

July 24, 2019
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How to get your Schufa score for free

GUIDES How to get your Schufa for free Facebook Instagram   In the previous article, we have explained what Schufa is and in this article, you can get information on how to get your free Schufa score. On the website meinschufa.de, you can see that you have to pay a fee to get your Schufa […]

July 23, 2019
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Minimum wage in Germany

Minimum wage in Germany Facebook Instagram Still Confused about what should you ask your employers to pay you? Hope this will give you an Idea. This is an article about the minimum wage in Germany.  Minimum wage is not an old concept in Germany. While it was into existence in other European countries. Germany’s first […]

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What is Schufa and how to apply for one?

GUIDES What is Schufa and how to apply for one? Facebook Instagram If you are moving to Germany and want to rent an apartment, you will come across this term “Schufa”. Usually, the landlords and other entities require this information to evaluate your creditworthiness. Schufa is an abbreviation of “Schutzgemeinschaft für allgemeine Kreditsicherung”. It is […]

July 22, 2019
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How to do Anmeldung – registering your address/apartment in Germany

GUIDES How to do ANMELDUNG in Germany? Facebook Instagram We all know that the German Bureaucrazy is a not so easy to understand for the internationals, but the very first word you will come across after arriving Germany is “Anmeldung”. Don’t panic! It’s pretty simple. Anmeldung is the process of registering your address/apartment in Germany. […]

July 19, 2019
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Opinions from Indian Expat”s” living in Germany – Why going back to the home country “could” be an option

We have asked several Indian Expats living in Germany this question,
“Would you consider going back to your home country an option? If so, Why?”